Transurethral Resection of Bladder Tumor (TURBT) Specialist in Orange, CA
Board-certified urologist, Dr. Kim specializes in performing the TURBT procedure for patients suffering from bladder cancer in Orange & Buena Park, CA. He will take the time to discuss all of the available treatment options to help determine what is best for you. Call (714) 752-6835 to schedule an appointment at our urology clinic today!
What Are the Side Effects of the Procedure?
Possible side effects for the procedure can include, but are not limited to:
- Difficulty urinating
- Retrograde ejaculation
- Urinary tract Infection
- Possible need for re-treatment
What Can I Expect to Happen During the Procedure?
To begin the procedure, the doctor will use a very thin tool called a rectoscope that is inserted through the tip of the penis and through the urethra. This allows the doctor to view the prostate and check for any irregularities. Then, the doctor may remove a piece of the prostate tissue as the rectoscope is removed out of the urethra to allow normal urination.
How Do I Schedule the Procedure?
After your initial discussion about the procedure with Dr. Kim, you will receive a call around 3 days after your visit to set a date and ask any pre-procedure questions you may have. You will also be put in touch with a surgery coordinator who can answer any questions you may have leading up to the procedure.
Do I Need to Avoid Eating Before the Procedure?
Yes. As with most surgeries, it’s recommended that you avoid eating a heavy dinner the night before surgery and to avoid drinking fluids (including water) after midnight. For those sticking to specific diets, we recommend consulting with Dr. Kim about any dietary concerns.
Are There Activities I Should Avoid After the Procedure?
Yes. We recommend that you avoid activities that involve strenuous exercise for at least 2 weeks after the procedure.
What is the Recovery Time for the Procedure?
Typically, the recovery time is 2 weeks after the procedure. Don’t be afraid to take another week or so of time to heal properly if you would feel more comfortable. Don’t rush the process.
Schedule an TURBT Consultation in Orange, CA
Dr. Kim understands that finding out you have any form of cancer can be overwhelming. That is why he is dedicated to providing the latest in bladder cancer treatment including TURBT to help diagnose and remove your bladder tumor. For more information about TURBT and how it can help treat your bladder conditions, please schedule an appointment with one of our urology clinics in Buena Park and Orange, CA by calling us at (714) 752-6835!